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Microneedling in Dubai

Our safest and professional treatments for your Beauty

Our miconeedling Reduced Fine Lines Reduced Wrinkles With Prior Dermatologist Consultation Reduces Scars Treats Signs of Ageing

Micro Needling And vampire Facial are same

This is most common in patients with wrinkles, fine lines and minimal scares. Patients, who have more advanced signs of facial ageing and hyperpigmentation, often choose to opt for Skin Pen Precision treatments over other skin rejuvenation treatments because the results are long-lasting. Micro needling also known as collagen induction therapy is a minimally invasive procedure which involves puncturing of skin with micro needles to boost collagen production resulting in smoother, firmer and toned skin. Micro needling is not just for the face, as it can be performed on other areas of the body as well which include legs, arms, back, hands, neck and abdomen.

Microneedling - 199 AED

Packages: PRP Micro Needling

  • One session is 199
  • Six Sessions 999

Treatment Procedure:

First the face of the client is cleansed thoroughly. After cleansing face, numbing cream is applied for 20 minutes to eliminate pain. Antioxidant serums, peptides and hyaluronic acid are used during micro needling. Derma pen is rolled on the skin to create micro punctures. After the treatment hyaluronic acid is applied for soothing effect and sun block to prevent UV exposure.

Benefits of microneedling:

Micro needling has multiple benefits, some of them are enlisted below; it reduces fine lines and wrinkles, reduces scars, treats signs of ageing, reduce hyper pigmentation and also treat enlarged pores.

Follow Up Treatments:

3 treatments are usually recommended 4 weeks apart, but scars may require further treatments.


You should avoid make up for the next 36 hrs. You should avoid next two weeks rubbing the face, avoid retinol, alpha hydroxyl acids (such as glycolic acid) & any active product that could irritate the skin, avoid to spray tanning products & Sun exposure.

Your Frequently Asked Questions

Micro-needling with PRP can enhance the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and general skin texture. PRP contains growth factors that can improve the outcomes of micro needling, making it a potent combo therapy.

The effects of PRP micro needling can continue for several months to a year, depending on the individual's skin type, the amount of sessions, and the specific conditions addressed.

Yes, combining PRP with micro-needling is a frequent procedure known as a "vampire facial". PRP's growth factors boost the skin's natural healing process, making it a very effective and well-liked treatment.

The number of sessions required varies according to the individual's skin condition. For best effects, the dermatologist recommends a series of 3 to 6 sessions spaced a few weeks apart.

Micro needling with PRP might be uncomfortable, although it is normally well tolerated. To reduce pain, numbing cream or anesthesia is frequently used before the treatment.