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Thread Lift in Dubai

Our safest and professional treatments for your Beauty

Thread Lift in Dubai

A thread lift, also called a barbed suture lift, is a cosmetic procedure that aims to lift and sculpt the shape of your face or breasts. Thread lifts use temporary, medical-grade suture material to “stitch-up” your skin so that it’s drawn taut.

Those who can’t have a surgical facelift because of medical conditions that make general anesthesia risky may consider a thread lift as a safer alternative.

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A thread lift, also called a barbed suture lift, is a cosmetic procedure that aims to lift and sculpt the shape of your face or breasts. Thread lifts use temporary, medical-grade suture material to “stitch-up” your skin so that it’s drawn taut.

Those who can’t have a surgical facelift because of medical conditions that make general anesthesia risky may consider a thread lift as a safer alternative.

Targeted areas:

Many people choose a thread lift for facial areas that droop or look less tight over time. These areas include jowls and jaw line, brow line, under-eye area, forehead, cheeks

Thread lifts are also using trusted sources to lift and tighten breasts, especially after pregnancy and weight loss.

Side effects:

A thread lift is considered a low-risk procedure, but there are side effects and a risk of complications. After a thread lift, it’s common to experience the bruising, swelling, bleeding and slight pain at the site of the thread injection.


There are minor chances of complications, including dimpling. Possible complications are minor and can easily be corrected. But some major complications to look out are; allergic reaction to ingredients, bleeding, visible dimpling or pulling, lumpy or bulges skin, pain under your skin and infection at the site of the procedure.

Infection is the one to watch out for most carefully. Call your doctor right away if you notice green, black, brown, or red discharge at the site of your procedure, swelling for more than 48 hour, persistent headaches or fever.

Your Frequently Asked Questions

A thread lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses dissolvable threads to lift and tighten sagging skin on the face and neck, providing a more youthful appearance.


During a thread lift, specialized threads are inserted beneath the skin to lift and reposition sagging tissue. These threads stimulate collagen production, contributing to improved skin firmness and elasticity over time.


Ideal candidates for a thread lift are individuals with mild to moderate skin laxity who are seeking a non-surgical solution to lift sagging facial or neck tissue. A consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon can determine candidacy.


Discomfort during a thread lift is typically minimal and well-tolerated. Local anesthesia is usually administered to numb the treatment area, ensuring a comfortable experience for the patient.