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Texas Jawline Filler in Dubai

Our safest and professional treatments for your Beauty

Texas Filler in Dubai 1699/- AED per 2 ml

Texas Filler in Dubai

A strong and Perfectly Chiseled Jawline works best to constitute an attractive facial profile. As we age, extra layers of fat start to form in the chin region that eventually leads to double chin and poorly defined jawline. These circumstances make us look older and unattractive by bringing asymmetry and imbalance to the face.

Luckily, with innovations and latest technology trends, it is possible to attain sharp jawline and slimmer face without pain. Jawline Filler Injections in Dubai & Abu Dhabi is a cosmetic treatment that can help you enhance the facial look by sculpting the neck and chin. It is the easiest and simplest facial contouring treatment and both men & women can have it as it is not gender-specific. The treatment option has gained a lot of popularity all over the world as it an efficient method of achieving a defined facial structure. You need to look for an experienced dermatologist for the treatment as unfortunately, jawline fillers can go wrong.

How do Jawline Filler Injections Work?

The procedure involves the insertion of a controlled dosage of dermal fillers in the chin in order to enhance and contour the face. The ingredients used in dermal fillers stiffen the skin and increase the definition of the jowl area. You look beautiful and younger after achieving a sharp contoured chin. It is safe, simple treatment and produces an excellent uplifting effect so if you are interested in Jawline filler injections then don’t delay contacting us.


While anyone interested in redefining the jawline can go for this treatment option, it can be best suited for people with,

  • Good physical and mental health
  • Age above 20
  • Sagging jowls and asymmetrical face
  • Wrinkles and fine lines on the neck


While some of the results are seen as soon the procedure is completed, final results can be expected to appear within 7-10 days after the appointment. The results of jawline contouring with dermal fillers usually last for six to fourteen months and to keep up the effects for a longer period you need to see your practitioner multiple times.


It is important to have a detailed consultation with the doctor before undergoing the procedure. Inform him about your medical history and medications that you are currently using. Also, comply with the following instructions to obtain ideal results from jawline filler injections in Dubai,

Do not smoke or consume alcohol 72 hours prior to the treatment
You should stop taking blood-thinning medications a week before the treatment
Stop intake of herbal supplements and vitamin E products

The Procedure:

The procedure of jawline filler injections takes only 40 to 45 minutes. The patient will not feel any pain during it as local anesthetic will be applied to the affected site prior to starting the actual task. Number of injections of a controlled amount of dermal fillers are injected in the lower facial area to sculpt the jawline. The patient is allowed to return home immediately after the appointment.


Jawline Filler Injections in Dubai & Abu Dhabi has many benefits for the sufferers of double chin and undefined jawline. Some of them are specified below,

  • Non-invasive and safe treatment
  • Does not require downtime
  • Creates a more youthful and attractive face
  • Produces a more defined and symmetrical facial profile
  • The easiest method of contouring the lower facial area

Your Frequently Asked Questions

Texas Jawline Filler is a specialized technique of using dermal fillers to enhance and define the jawline. It involves strategically injecting filler along the jawline to create a more sculpted and defined appearance.

Texas Jawline Filler works by injecting dermal fillers, typically composed of hyaluronic acid, along the jawline to add volume, contour the area, and create a more defined and angular appearance.

The benefits of Texas Jawline Filler include enhancing the definition and contour of the jawline, improving the overall balance and symmetry of the face, and achieving a more youthful and attractive appearance.

Good candidates for Texas Jawline Filler are individuals who desire a more defined and sculpted jawline, have mild to moderate sagging or loss of definition in the jaw area, and are in good overall health.

Discomfort during Texas Jawline Filler injections is usually minimal. However, some patients may experience mild discomfort or a sensation of pressure at the injection sites. Topical numbing cream can be applied to the skin beforehand to minimize any discomfort.