Affordable Aesthetic Clinic in Dubai | Laser Hair Removal Clinic in Dubai

Laser Tattoo Removal in Dubai

Our safest and professional treatments for your Beauty

Laser Tattoo Removal in Dubai Cost 399 AED

Tattoos are one of the oldest forms of body art. People have been doing it for years. The roots of it go way beyond the tribal times. However, lately, we humans have started to make a lot of absurd choices when it comes to our tattoos. Thankfully, we live in a world where we can erase our tattoos via multiple tattoo removal techniques. Earlier, invasive techniques were the only option to eliminate unwanted ink but today there is a wide variety of non-invasive solutions as well; Laser tattoo removal in FMC is being the best option of all

Pre-Procedural Care:

You need to wash the area properly before coming for the treatment session. You need not to wax or thread the treatment site. Do not shave the hair or get the hair removal treatment that is on the site of tattoo removal. Get a good night’s sleep before the treatment day. Get all your prescriptions in advance.

Goals of the Procedure:

Laser Tattoo Removal aims at removing the tattoo in a painless manner. It can easily eliminate unwanted tattoos without effecting nearby skin.

Results of Tattoo Removal:

Results of Tattoo removal are simply amazing. You are able to delete your tattoo and the regrets associated with it, in just a few sessions. If you are regretting a tattoo, come and get it off. We assure you that your skin won’t be affected by it.

The idea for getting your tattoos removed via laser tattoo removal is amazing but you should need to consider that you shouldn’t be pregnant and you shouldn’t be breastfeeding.

Your Frequently Asked Questions

Laser tattoo removal is a non-invasive procedure that uses specialized lasers to break down tattoo ink particles in the skin, allowing the body's immune system to naturally eliminate them.

Laser tattoo removal works by delivering high-intensity light energy to the tattooed area, which is absorbed by the tattoo ink. This energy heats up and shatters the ink particles into smaller fragments, making it easier for the body to remove them over time.

Good candidates for laser tattoo removal in Dubai are individuals with unwanted tattoos who are in good overall health. Ideal candidates have tattoos with darker ink colors, although advancements in laser technology allow for the removal of a wider range of colors.


Laser tattoo removal may cause some discomfort, often described as feeling like a rubber band snapping against the skin or a sensation of heat. However, most patients find the procedure tolerable, and topical anesthesia or cooling techniques can be used to minimize discomfort.